Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Love Letter to YOU!

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Have you ever had a love letter written to you? If you're married like me, you've probably gotten love letters from your spouse. When we sit down to read the letter, we just can't wait to open it! Our heart starts beating a little faster with excitement and as we begin to read the words, we can't help but smile from ear to ear. We feel so special and loved by the words that have been written and it only makes us fall deeper in love with the person who wrote it. Once we finish reading it, we want to read it again...and again... We don't want to set it down, because no one ever gets tired of hearing about how they are admired, desired, and loved. We treasure that love letter and every word that was written.

Have you ever thought about the Bible in that way? The Bible is God's love letter to us! There is no greater love letter than the one He has written. The Bible is the only true Word of God. In the Bible we read about how God loves us and what He's done to demonstrate His love to us! The Bible shows us how to live and how to follow Christ. He knows what's best for us and wants us to experience all that He has for us. It also talks about the hope that He's given us! What a precious treasure the Word of God is! It's so important to get in the Word everyday and to let God speak to us through it and change us. As we read His love letter to us, we get that same feeling we get when we read a love letter from our spouse. We don't want to put it down as we hang onto every word with excitement and anticipation. We can't help but grin from ear to ear as we read about His unfathomable love for us and the great things He has in store for us! If you don't own a Bible please let me know and I would love to send you one!! He wrote this love letter to YOU, don't miss out!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

One of my favorite things about the weather getting cooler are all of the cute winter coats! Below are some of my favorites I've seen this season... I'll take one of each, please. Which one is your favorite??

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't Miss Out!

When we look around and see what a crazy, messed up world we live in, it makes us more anxious for Jesus' return. Although we long for the day He comes back for His children, and what a glorious day that will be, we must not lose focus on what we are on this earth to do. If we spend our days only focusing on when we get to get out of here, we will miss out on the opportunities God has for us here and now. Our life on this earth is such a unique time that we'll never have again. The choices we make here will have an affect on eternity. With that comes responsibility, but also great OPPORTUNITY!

God has so many great things in store for us here on this earth and I don't want to miss out on a single thing! We are to be ready for Jesus' return, but instead of just trying to hurry this life up, let's take advantage of this time the Lord has given us. Let's not get wrapped up in the things of this earth, because those are going to pass, but let's fill our days with things that have eternal value. Those are the things that matter.

I think if we realized just how significant our time is here on this earth, we'd be living a lot differently. We're only passing through for a short time, so let's not be in such a rush to get out of here that we miss out on the opportunities we have here to make an impact. God has big plans for you if you let Him use you! And how cool is it that the God of the universe wants to use US?! Way cool. Don't miss out!

Monday, October 15, 2012

What I'm Wearing

Top: Thrifted
Jeans: 2 BW/U
Bracelets: Thrifted
Shoes: Thrifted

Monday, October 1, 2012

What I'm Wearing

Top: Thrifted
Pants: Forever 21
Shoes: Gap
Shades: Can't remember! (and that would be my husband in the reflection)
Necklace: My great grandma's

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not
depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6

This is the man and woman who taught me about the love of Jesus. They've prayed for me since before I was born and have encouraged and cheered me on daily in my walk with Christ. They have taught me the importance of loving God and loving people. They have taught me to honor God in all I do and have led by example. They raised my brothers and sisters and I to know God's Word and to stand firm on it. As I get older, I realize that not many kids have that growing up. I'm so blessed to call these two mom and dad. I love you guys so much! Thank you for how you've poured into me!

Monday, September 3, 2012


I have been overwhelmed with the amount of encouragement and support I have gotten over the past several days ever since the Disney thing didn't work out. I just wanted to thank all of you for the phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook messages, tweets, etc. You guys have been so awesome...THANK YOU! Me turning down Disney because of my convictions says nothing about me, but it is Jesus who lives in me! I'm capable of nothing good on my God be the glory! I'm so thankful for the convictions the Lord gives me and that He is there to help me live them out. I'm a complete mess on my own and need Him every second of every day. So thankful He protected me from making a decision that would not have been profitable.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Disney Princess Update

As most of you know, I got hired back in May to be a princess at Disney World. After I got hired I've been waiting for them to call and tell me when they needed me to head to Florida. Well today they called and were ready for me to come down. They said they wanted me to be Ariel. The shell bra outfit Ariel wears is more revealing than something I feel comfortable wearing. I told the lady that modesty is really important to me and that I wasn't really comfortable wearing her mermaid outfit. She said they unfortunately wouldn't be able to use me if I wasn't willing to wear it. They want all of the girls they hire to be able to be any of the princesses so they can easily switch girls in and out for whatever they need. I thanked the lady for the awesome opportunity, but said that I just couldn't compromise my convictions. It looks like God has a different plan for me and it doesn't involve being a Disney Princess.

After I got off the phone having just said no to something I had been extremely excited about for the past 4 months, I called my husband in tears. Not because I regretted my decision, because I didn't one bit, but it was just a bummer after looking forward to this for so long and then having to turn it down because of the situation. We even moved out of our apartment to be free to go down when they called.

Although things seem like a bummer at the moment, I don't regret my decision. I want to honor God in ALL I do. I've shared my heart about modesty and what good would it be to say one thing and go down to Florida and do another. I don't want to be someone who just talks the talk, but I want to live out the convictions the Lord gives me. I want others to see Jesus through me and I never want to be a stumbling block for anyone. Even though being a Disney Princess seemed liked such a fun opportunity, it wasn't worth compromising my convictions. Nothing is worth compromising the convictions God gives us.

With all that said... I believe God has something even greater in store for me! Going to Florida was my plan, but it wasn't God's plan. I want what God has for me, not what I want for myself. Although today has been somewhat of a sad day, it's exciting to know that since God has closed this door, I'm one step closer to what He has for me. I can't wait to see what that is! My husband and I have lots to be praying about as we seek out what the Lord has for us next. First on our to-do list... find a home!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Time Is Now

Have you ever stopped to think about just how significant our time is here on this earth? We're only passing through for a short time and it's the only time we're ever going to have to make choices that will have an affect on eternity. Although we long for the day Jesus returns, let's not be in such a rush to get out of here that we miss out on the opportunities we have here to make an impact. Our life on this earth is such a unique time that we won't have again, so the time is now! The earthly things are going to pass, so let's fill our days with things that have eternal value. Let's not miss out on what God has for us here and now!

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Lucy Show

People have been asking what happened to Lucy and why she hasn't made a video recently. Well Lucy got off her hiney and got a job. But she'll be back! For those who haven't yet.... meet Lucy below!

"Sometimes I Like to Eat Puddin' "

"Sometimes I Like to See How Many Pieces of Candy I Can Fit in My Mouth From the Candy Jar"

"Sometimes I Like to Pretend That I'm Having Tea With the Queen (of England)"

"Meet Lucy"

"Q&A's With Lucy"

"Sometimes I Like to Sing About Chocolate"

"Sometimes I Like to Workout"

"Uh Oh"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

An Exciting Adventure!

Pretend for a moment that you're at the movies... The movie you're seeing is full of excitement and suspense. Scene after scene you're on the edge of your seat excited to see what's going to happen next! The person next to you has eaten all of your popcorn and you don't even notice because you're so focused on what's happening in the movie (even if you did notice you wouldn't care because this movie is just so dang good). Your eyes are wide open and you won't dare let yourself blink in fear of missing something great! This is what our walk with God should look like.

A lot of people seem to think being a Christian is a total snooze fest. They just see Christians as living a boring life and having to abide by a bunch of rules. But, friends, let me tell you....when you're actively pursuing God, your life will be anything but boring! Serving the Creator of the universe is an exciting adventure! All you have to do is look around at His creation to see that He's not a boring God. God could have created only one type of fish and one type of bird, but instead He created THOUSANDS of different kinds of fish and THOUSANDS of different kinds of birds! 

After you get saved, don't let that be the end. You'll miss out on so much! Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that's just the beginning. Now God can start using us! God has so many great things in store for His children. I don't want to just settle....I want to experience ALL the Lord has for me! I believe God has things in store for me that are so much greater than I could ever even imagine for myself. It keeps me on the edge of my seat ready to see what's next! Every morning when I wake up I ask the Lord to use me in big ways that day. Getting to be a part of God's work is such an amazing and exciting adventure that I don't want to miss out on! And He doesn't want us to miss out on it either!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Free Gift!

Who likes free gifts? Who am I kidding, everybody likes free gifts! What if I told you that there's a FREE GIFT just for you! It has your name on it and you don't have to do a single thing but just ACCEPT the gift. Sounds pretty flippin' awesome, right? We're all born sinners and in need of a Savior. When Jesus died on the cross He PAID for our sins and made a way for us to have a relationship with Him. Christ has already completed what needed to be done in order for us to be free of our sins once and for all! He paid the price FOR us. And you know what's amazing? We don't have to do a single thing but just accept what He did for us. What He did is enough! We are so undeserving, but God is a God of LOVE and GRACE! This is where a lot of people miss it. Many try to work for their salvation, thinking that if they do enough good things then they will be saved. It's not about works, it's all about God's grace! If our salvation was based on what WE did then we'd never be saved, because we're messed up sinners. It required the blood of Jesus. Jesus is the ONLY way. In John 14:6 Jesus says," 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' "

How much better does it sound just getting to accept something rather than having to work for it? Yes, it's that easy! The price has already been paid. Friends, don't miss out on this amazing free gift!

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

Check out this awesome song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "Free". It talks about the freedom we have in Christ!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are You Living with God in a Box?

Many of us live our lives with God in a box. Our view of Him is small, as if what He can do is limited. When our problems are so big and we see no way out, then we feel like it's also too big for God. Our lives would look completely different if we stopped putting God in a box and started living like He's the almighty God that He is! God is a big God and there's nothing He can't handle. No matter how big the issue, God can change any heart and heal any sickness. We might know this in our head, but are we really LIVING like we believe it?

Many believe that God doesn't heal today like He used to when we read in the Bible about how He made the lame walk and the blind see. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He never changes! He's still the same God that He was and He still heals just like He did then. Matthew11:5 says, " 'The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up...' " The God who worked these miracles then still works these miracles today. To say that He doesn't heal today is saying that He isn't who He says He is. He can and He DOES heal!

When we believe God to be the God that He is, then even our prayer life will be different. We'll stop praying for small things, as if God is limited and we'll start praying and believing for GREAT things! James 1:6 says, "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind." The first sentence in the Bible, alone, shows what a big God He is. He created the heavens and the earth! Think about that for a second. Like....whoah. And we doubt that He can take care of our problems? God is big and He does big things! So let's start living like we believe that!

Every morning when I wake up, I pray that God will use me in big ways that day...bigger ways than I could ever imagine! God is a big God, so let's pray and believe for big things!

Check out this awesome video below by S.M. Lockridge called "That's My King". What an awesome God we serve!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"...the greatest of these is love"

Many Christians leave a bad taste in the mouths of nonbelievers. A lot of people look at Christians and think, "Well I certainly don't want what they have..." However, if our lives actually reflected Jesus then their reaction would be the exact opposite. I believe a big reason many people are turned off by Christians is because we've become a people who are judgmental and unforgiving. I don't blame people for turning away from that. We don't exhibit the one thing people SHOULD see when they look at us, which is love. "...but the greatest of these is love." When you think of Jesus you think of love....but when you think of Christians, in many cases, "love" is not what comes to mind first (or at all).

We are ALL born sinners, so who are we to judge anyone? And we constantly need forgiveness everyday, so who are we not to forgive? It is only by the grace of God and the death of Jesus Christ that we're forgiven and saved. Thank you, Jesus!

When I share Christ with others, I want "love" to be what they see. I want them to understand that no matter what they've done in their past or what they'll do in their future, there's a God who loves them just as they are and He desires to have a personal relationship with them. That's some awesome love right there! Love is who God is.....that is the message we should make known!

There are many times that I want to be quick to judge someone, but my prayer is that God will help me to love others the way He loves. I want to love God and love people, that's what I'm on this earth to do. This might sound a little morbid, haha, but how cool would it be if under your name on your grave it said, "Loved God. Loved people." I hope that's what mine says.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A New Adventure!

This morning I woke up having no idea that life was about to change....I was about to go on a new ADVENTURE!

Here's how it all started... Disney came to Nashville about two weeks ago and held auditions to be a Disney Princess. I thought this would be such an amazing opportunity and experience. Plus, what girl doesn't dream of being a Disney Princess?? My husband and I knew it would change life for us and we would have to move away from all of our family and friends, but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and if I wanted to do this then now was the time, before we start having kids. I decided to go to the audition and prayed that if it was something God didn't want me to do that He would shut that door, but if it was something He wanted me to do that He would work it all out. I wasn't really nervous going into it, because if I didn't get it then I knew God just had other plans for me. I studied up on how to prepare for the audition and got as ready as I could...

When I got to the audition there were about 65 girls there. First they measured all of us to make sure we fit the requirements, then the casting director taught all of us a princess dance. I am NOT a dancer, so I was pretty sure I would get cut after I performed the dance in front of the judges. I tried my best to pull myself together and look as graceful as I could when it was my turn to dance in front of a huge room full of people. I was terrified. After the dance they called the numbers of the girls who made it through the first portion of the audition. To my surprise they called my number! There were about 10 girls who were left. Then they interviewed us and cut a few more girls. After that they put princess wigs on us, took our picture, then we had to learn a script to perform on camera. I made it through the whole audition without being cut and they said they would get back to me in a few weeks whether I got the job or not.

A lot sooner than I expected, a man called me this afternoon..."Is this Ashley Hargest? I'm with Disney Auditions and am happy to tell you that you fit the part as a Disney Princess!" WHAT?!?! I was freaking out, but of course tried to keep myself calm and collected like a princess would do so that the man on the phone didn't change his mind about giving me the job.

Now I play the waiting game again as I wait for one of the princess jobs to open up. He said they'll call me once they need me out there and I have to be ready to pack up my things and go! It could be in a few weeks or it could be in 6 months. Brandon and I are STOKED about this new chapter in our lives and I'm so thankful for this fun opportunity the Lord has given me! It looks like Disney World is going to be my new mission field and I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to use me there!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Year Anniversary Adventures

Getting all fancy for each other before going on a picnic for lunch.

Our picnic at the park got rained out so we had a picnic on our balcony. It was just as magical:)

I said "Yes"!

After our picnic we went out for frozen yogurt. 

Then we cooked a nice dinner together.

Before we sat down for dinner we put on what we wore that day, exactly one year ago.

It was a celebration!

We listened to our playlist from our wedding during dinner.

After dinner we watched the video of our wedding ceremony; we hadn't watched it in a year! I cried, of course. We had so much fun looking back on memories from our special day and making new memories of our one year anniversary. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. I absolutely LOVE being his wife:) It's been such a fun year of marriage and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in year number two!