Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Thrifty Finds

These bottoms are the only part of this outfit that's thrift. It looks a lot like a skirt, but they're actually high-waisted shorts! When I first bought them, I couldn't decide if they were really really ugly or really really cute. Once I started messing around with different ways to wear them, I loved them!

OH. MY. GOODNESS. The second I spotted this necklace, I was in love! It looks like an antique and I got it for only $5.99 at Goodwill!

These ivory elephants have already become some of my favorite earrings I own! They seriously can go with anything.

I've really been into thrift store shopping lately. Thrift clothes are taking over my closet! I love finding unique pieces and putting them together to create an outfit that no one else has. Thrift store shopping can be overwhelming, because there is so much random stuff to go through. Sometimes when I'm not in the mood to look through everything, I just skip over all the boring solids and look only for unique patterns that catch my eye. However, the disadvantage of not going through everything is that you might miss out on a great find! Above are some pictures of some of my latest thrift finds!

I'll be posting things I find from thrift stores more often, just to show you what great things you can find and how I've put them together to create an outfit that expresses my own sense of style.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Automatic Doors

Just a little story I had to share with you guys about my encounter with some not so automatic doors...

I was in a store the other day... I made my purchases and headed to the door. I stood at the "automatic" doors to wait for them to open. They were taking a long time, so I thought maybe I wasn't registering. I waved my hands in front of the doors to make sure it saw me. I kept standing there, thinking that any minute it would open. Any other human being would have given up a long time ago and just pushed the doors open. Not me. After looking ridiculous long enough, the cashier walked over and as she opened the door for me, she said.. "Ma'am, you have to push them yourself. They're not automatic." Wow, did I feel like an idiot or what. So I put my head down in shame, tucked my tail between my legs, and walked out.

My tip for you: If the doors don't open within about 5 seconds of standing there, THEY'RE NOT AUTOMATIC.

I came across this picture and laughed. I sure wish they had a "Doors don't open" sign on the door I was in front of. Could have saved me a lot of time and humiliation!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Goodbye, Beach

Alas, all good things must come to an end. We're packing up and heading home this morning:( Good news! We've already started planning for next year! I would just like to compare skin color from the first day we got to the beach to the last day. Gonna miss the tannage. See you next year, Seaside!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ello From The Beach!

Every summer, for the past 7 years, my family has been coming to the beach in Florida. There are about 21 (sometimes more) of us and we all stay in one big house. The house is always so packed, but I LOVE it! We look forward to this every year! My family lives in Texas and we don't get to see them very often, so having this trip every summer has been a great way to help keep the family close. We only have 1 day left at the beach, then the countdown until next year begins!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ashley Got a Blog!

I finally gave in and got a blog! I have too much going on in this brain of mine to be contained by Twitter's lame 140 character limit. My brain is always going 100mph and it never stops. EVER. I have a lot to say and I don't like to keep anything to myself, so get ready. I'm amused by the little things in life. I don't exactly see things the way everyone else does... it's too boring that way.  This will probably be the most random blog you will ever read, but that's my life for ya. Welcome to "the ashley show"!

Peace, love, and PICKLES. (I love pickles. Dill pickles.)