Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Love Letter to YOU!

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Have you ever had a love letter written to you? If you're married like me, you've probably gotten love letters from your spouse. When we sit down to read the letter, we just can't wait to open it! Our heart starts beating a little faster with excitement and as we begin to read the words, we can't help but smile from ear to ear. We feel so special and loved by the words that have been written and it only makes us fall deeper in love with the person who wrote it. Once we finish reading it, we want to read it again...and again... We don't want to set it down, because no one ever gets tired of hearing about how they are admired, desired, and loved. We treasure that love letter and every word that was written.

Have you ever thought about the Bible in that way? The Bible is God's love letter to us! There is no greater love letter than the one He has written. The Bible is the only true Word of God. In the Bible we read about how God loves us and what He's done to demonstrate His love to us! The Bible shows us how to live and how to follow Christ. He knows what's best for us and wants us to experience all that He has for us. It also talks about the hope that He's given us! What a precious treasure the Word of God is! It's so important to get in the Word everyday and to let God speak to us through it and change us. As we read His love letter to us, we get that same feeling we get when we read a love letter from our spouse. We don't want to put it down as we hang onto every word with excitement and anticipation. We can't help but grin from ear to ear as we read about His unfathomable love for us and the great things He has in store for us! If you don't own a Bible please let me know and I would love to send you one!! He wrote this love letter to YOU, don't miss out!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

One of my favorite things about the weather getting cooler are all of the cute winter coats! Below are some of my favorites I've seen this season... I'll take one of each, please. Which one is your favorite??

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't Miss Out!

When we look around and see what a crazy, messed up world we live in, it makes us more anxious for Jesus' return. Although we long for the day He comes back for His children, and what a glorious day that will be, we must not lose focus on what we are on this earth to do. If we spend our days only focusing on when we get to get out of here, we will miss out on the opportunities God has for us here and now. Our life on this earth is such a unique time that we'll never have again. The choices we make here will have an affect on eternity. With that comes responsibility, but also great OPPORTUNITY!

God has so many great things in store for us here on this earth and I don't want to miss out on a single thing! We are to be ready for Jesus' return, but instead of just trying to hurry this life up, let's take advantage of this time the Lord has given us. Let's not get wrapped up in the things of this earth, because those are going to pass, but let's fill our days with things that have eternal value. Those are the things that matter.

I think if we realized just how significant our time is here on this earth, we'd be living a lot differently. We're only passing through for a short time, so let's not be in such a rush to get out of here that we miss out on the opportunities we have here to make an impact. God has big plans for you if you let Him use you! And how cool is it that the God of the universe wants to use US?! Way cool. Don't miss out!