Friday, May 11, 2012

A New Adventure!

This morning I woke up having no idea that life was about to change....I was about to go on a new ADVENTURE!

Here's how it all started... Disney came to Nashville about two weeks ago and held auditions to be a Disney Princess. I thought this would be such an amazing opportunity and experience. Plus, what girl doesn't dream of being a Disney Princess?? My husband and I knew it would change life for us and we would have to move away from all of our family and friends, but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and if I wanted to do this then now was the time, before we start having kids. I decided to go to the audition and prayed that if it was something God didn't want me to do that He would shut that door, but if it was something He wanted me to do that He would work it all out. I wasn't really nervous going into it, because if I didn't get it then I knew God just had other plans for me. I studied up on how to prepare for the audition and got as ready as I could...

When I got to the audition there were about 65 girls there. First they measured all of us to make sure we fit the requirements, then the casting director taught all of us a princess dance. I am NOT a dancer, so I was pretty sure I would get cut after I performed the dance in front of the judges. I tried my best to pull myself together and look as graceful as I could when it was my turn to dance in front of a huge room full of people. I was terrified. After the dance they called the numbers of the girls who made it through the first portion of the audition. To my surprise they called my number! There were about 10 girls who were left. Then they interviewed us and cut a few more girls. After that they put princess wigs on us, took our picture, then we had to learn a script to perform on camera. I made it through the whole audition without being cut and they said they would get back to me in a few weeks whether I got the job or not.

A lot sooner than I expected, a man called me this afternoon..."Is this Ashley Hargest? I'm with Disney Auditions and am happy to tell you that you fit the part as a Disney Princess!" WHAT?!?! I was freaking out, but of course tried to keep myself calm and collected like a princess would do so that the man on the phone didn't change his mind about giving me the job.

Now I play the waiting game again as I wait for one of the princess jobs to open up. He said they'll call me once they need me out there and I have to be ready to pack up my things and go! It could be in a few weeks or it could be in 6 months. Brandon and I are STOKED about this new chapter in our lives and I'm so thankful for this fun opportunity the Lord has given me! It looks like Disney World is going to be my new mission field and I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to use me there!


  1. Crazy and OH SO COOL!!!!!!! I can't wait to find out which princess!

  2. How fun! My little sister just started working there a few weeks ago. I took her down there to help her get settled and it seems like a lot of fun! Lots of perks for sure. We are going to Disney World this summer since she can get us in free. :)

  3. Congrats girl! I'm SO excited for you! You will be GREAT! And from the bottom of my heart I can tell you that disney is a great company to work for! I've worked there five years in October. I am a photographer at the parks so maybe I'll see you around! If you have any questions or anything let me know! :)

  4. Congratulations! :D Sounds like such fun! Will Brandon work there too, or is he going to do music full time??
    Either way, you're going to have so much fun in this chapter of your lives! I'm praying for you :)


  5. Thank you so much, everyone, for the sweet comments!! I can't wait for this new chapter in life!:D
