Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Heart

Hello Friends!

I felt like I needed to clear a few things up. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook then you know I post a lot of scripture and things God puts on my heart to share. When I post truths from the Bible or things God has convicted me about, many times people take it as me being judgmental. The things I post are NEVER to judge ANYONE. I'm a sinner just like everyone else and who am I to judge? I only ever want my posts to come from a loving heart. Recently I've posted things about me having a problem with people using the Lord's name in vain (the Bible says we are not to use the Lord's name in vain - Exodus 20:7) and also about divorce (the Bible says God hates divorce - Malachi 2:16). These things have caused many people to open up and say some pretty cruel stuff back. I try not to take it personal, because I know it's just the enemy trying to get me to stop sharing the gospel. Well guess what Satan, I ain't backing down. When I post about these things it's only me sharing the things that are in the world and breaking my heart. It's the sin I hate, it's not me judging you.

As Christians, we are not to live quiet lives, keeping Jesus to ourselves. We are to live our lives OUT LOUD, proclaiming Christ with boldness.

"...and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains: that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." -Ephesians 6:19-20

Many people think I shouldn't post my convictions or scripture on Twitter and Facebook. If it's going to bother you then you might just want to hit that "unfollow" button, because I will never stop sharing the gospel through every avenue possible. I believe God has given me a platform through social media. It's given me the opportunity to reach out to many people and share the love of Christ that I wouldn't have outside of social media and I will NOT pass up the opportunity. I post a lot of pointless stuff on Twitter and Facebook (like what I'm doing that day), but if I only posted that kind of stuff then where's the life in that? Why wouldn't I also use it as an opportunity that has ETERNAL value???

When God has convicted me of something that I want to share, I don't post it in a way that I think you should feel the same way as me. God convicts people at different times and you and I are in totally different places whether you have a relationship with Jesus or not. I'm going to share what I believe to be true in my heart and maybe you can wrestle with what I've shared and ask God to show you how He wants YOU to respond. There are some things that I might post that you don't like hearing because it "steps on your toes". Guess what... the Bible steps on toes. When sharing truth, some things just can't be sugarcoated. When God puts something on my heart to share, I'm responsible to share it.

I want to "throw back my head and run with a passion" as I follow Christ. I want to honor Him in ALL I do. I am never judging you or forcing anything on you, but as a Christian, I have a responsibility and that does not involve keeping Jesus to myself. I care so much about each one of you and want you to be able to experience the freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

God Bless You,

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Submissive Wife

It seems almost rare these days to find Christian wives who live by Ephesians 5:22-23, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church..." This is not the popular thing in society today. There has become a new sense of equality that many women strive for. They do not want to let their husband have the roll as head of their home. They want to be seen as equal, having the same role and same opportunities. Having our husband as head of our home does not make us any less important in God's eyes. It does not make us any less of a person, but it is an honor to live out what God has called us to do! God loves us wives just as much as He loves our husbands, however, He has given us different roles and responsibilities in marriage. Our husbands have plenty of other responsibilities, but ours is to submit to them.

Submitting to our husbands will not always be easy.....especially in times when we think we're right and they're wrong. But God still calls us to submit even in these times. You might find it impossible to submit to someone who you see is far from perfect, but with God's help, we can! The scripture says that we are to submit to our husband "as to the Lord". Submission to our husband is an act of obedience to God. Marriage is an image of Christ's relation to the church. Christ leads the church just as the husband is to lead his wife.

When we do not let our husband be the head of our home, we are getting in the way of him being who God has called him to be in the marriage. Let's honor the role God has given him. As Christian wives, let's honor God by honoring and respecting our husband. Let's not only ask God to help us be the wives He's called us to be, but let's also pray that He will help our husbands lead in such a way that God is glorified through our marriage. When we are submitting to our husband in the way God has called us to and our husband is leading us in the way God has called him to, Christ can be made known through our marriage. Who wants to make Christ known through their marriage? I DO! Wives, let's start submitting!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Prayer Requests

Hey everyone!
Just wanted to share with you what's been on my heart lately... 

Something I don't do enough is pray for people outside of my own family and friends. I've really been convicted lately to start praying more for the rest of the world...for people I don't know personally. I think it's important for Christians to not just be praying for what's happening in our own lives, but to pray for all that's happening outside of it too. We live in a messed up/hurting world that needs prayer. So I wanted to open this page up for anyone to write in prayer requests that I can be praying for. There's power in prayer and I would love to pray for you.

God Bless You!