Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today we celebrate an amazing, godly man who I look up to and respect so much...the man who walked me down the aisle on my wedding day...Happy Birthday to my dad! I am so blessed to be his daughter. My dad is fun, loud, and hilarious, but most of all He loves the Lord and desires to honor Him above all else. My dad has taught me many things, but the most important thing he has instilled in me is the importance of loving God and loving people. That's what we're on this earth to do. My dad has made so many sacrifices for my family....He's a selfless man. I'm so thankful for a dad who prays for his kids and encourages us, daily, to run hard after Jesus. Dad, you've had such an incredible impact on my life and I'm thankful for your love! Thank you for always pointing me to the Lord. I love you!

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Friend, My Role Model, My Mom

Today we celebrate the life of a precious gem who entered this world 51 years ago. Today we celebrate my friend and my role model. Today we celebrate my amazing mom! She is the most loving, caring, selfless, godly woman I know. Her heart for the Lord and for others is something I strive for everyday. She has dedicated her life to serving the Lord and serving people. She is such an amazing example of living a life that honors and glorifies God in all she does. I strive to be the kind of wife, mom, and friend she is. She is a true blessing to those around her. The joy of the Lord shines so brightly through her and I'm so blessed to call this woman "mom"! Happy Birthday, momma! Thank you for always loving me, praying for me, and encouraging me in my walk with Christ. I love you so much!!