Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ashley Got a Blog!

I finally gave in and got a blog! I have too much going on in this brain of mine to be contained by Twitter's lame 140 character limit. My brain is always going 100mph and it never stops. EVER. I have a lot to say and I don't like to keep anything to myself, so get ready. I'm amused by the little things in life. I don't exactly see things the way everyone else does... it's too boring that way.  This will probably be the most random blog you will ever read, but that's my life for ya. Welcome to "the ashley show"!

Peace, love, and PICKLES. (I love pickles. Dill pickles.)


  1. ash I hate pickles and here's why, start at around 3:30

  2. y dont you vlog? i think its kinda easier, plus we can see your beautiful face...

    Also we will keep your family in prayer for the passing of your grandma. :( i know it can be hard, but remember they are in the presence of the Lord!

  3. haha niiiice video, j!:) i still like pickles.

    rolando, there will definitely be some vlogging in the near future! and thank you so so much for your prayers. i really appreciate it!
