Friday, January 11, 2013

A Princess

To the ladies out there:

As little girls, one of our favorite things to do was play dress-up. We always had a favorite thing we liked to dress up as....for most girls it was a princess. In this fantasy world we created, we had a prince who admired us and fought for us (sometimes it was our little brother who we forced to put on a crown...and sometimes it was a mop that we turned upside down). We would get all dolled up in our mom's high heels, pearls, and a bed sheet that we imagined was a beautiful ball gown. Out of everything we could pretend to be, why did we choose a princess? Because princesses are lovely....they are beautiful....they are desired. We wanted to be those things.

We might be older now and don't play dress-up anymore, but we still have that same desire to be a princess. What if I told you that the little girl in you doesn't have to pretend anymore. What if I told you that you ARE that princess you always wanted to be and you have someone who admires you and who has fought for you. The Creator of the universe sees you as a princess! He sees you as LOVELY....PRECIOUS....BEAUTIFUL....He DESIRES you....He DELIGHTS in you....YOU were made in HIS image! You are so special to Him! You bring Him joy:) He wants to spend time with you and He loves you more than you can comprehend. Jesus fought for you on the cross so that He could make a way for you to have a relationship with Him and so you could spend eternity with Him in heaven. He wants to spend forever with you!

Sometimes it's easy to forget how God sees us. To be reminded everyday of who you are, go out and buy a tiara and place it somewhere you'll see everyday. On your dresser, in your car, etc. Every time you see that tiara know that you are special! You are lovely! You are beautiful! You matter! You are desired! And you are so dearly loved by your Creator!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! The suggestion to go out and buy a tiara as a reminder is just great! I will go do that! Excellent.

    I am reading a WONDERFUL devotional series. It's the His Princess series by Sheri Rose Shepherd. A collection of letters from our Lord to His princess which is all of His daughters. There are several small books to this series and I'm getting so much out of them. I suggest it for any woman that desires to be His princess.

    I love the concept of being God's princess, I always have. However, it is a bit hard for me. In my ministry I've seen that woman who have had an active and loving father, they can understand being God's princess because their earthly father instilled that feeling about them being a princess deep within. My own personal walk, I was a little girl with a loving father, who helped me feel like the princess that I truly am in Christ, but he died before I reached certain important "princess moments." He died before my sweet sixteen, graduated high school, and so on... So because I had no earthly father I'd forgotten how to be a princess. I've talked to other young woman whose fathers have never been present and it's SO hard for them to comprehend being anyones princess, especially God's... On the path to becoming God's princess it DOES become easier.

    Ashley, Thank you SO much for posting this and putting it in such a way that puts the desire of being God's princess into our hearts. We are princesses of the KING OF KINGS what a thought. What a blessing! I'm sharing this blog with my friends!
