Friday, February 24, 2012

A Submissive Wife

It seems almost rare these days to find Christian wives who live by Ephesians 5:22-23, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church..." This is not the popular thing in society today. There has become a new sense of equality that many women strive for. They do not want to let their husband have the roll as head of their home. They want to be seen as equal, having the same role and same opportunities. Having our husband as head of our home does not make us any less important in God's eyes. It does not make us any less of a person, but it is an honor to live out what God has called us to do! God loves us wives just as much as He loves our husbands, however, He has given us different roles and responsibilities in marriage. Our husbands have plenty of other responsibilities, but ours is to submit to them.

Submitting to our husbands will not always be easy.....especially in times when we think we're right and they're wrong. But God still calls us to submit even in these times. You might find it impossible to submit to someone who you see is far from perfect, but with God's help, we can! The scripture says that we are to submit to our husband "as to the Lord". Submission to our husband is an act of obedience to God. Marriage is an image of Christ's relation to the church. Christ leads the church just as the husband is to lead his wife.

When we do not let our husband be the head of our home, we are getting in the way of him being who God has called him to be in the marriage. Let's honor the role God has given him. As Christian wives, let's honor God by honoring and respecting our husband. Let's not only ask God to help us be the wives He's called us to be, but let's also pray that He will help our husbands lead in such a way that God is glorified through our marriage. When we are submitting to our husband in the way God has called us to and our husband is leading us in the way God has called him to, Christ can be made known through our marriage. Who wants to make Christ known through their marriage? I DO! Wives, let's start submitting!


  1. This is really good. nicely said!

  2. "It seems almost rare these days to find Christian wives who live by Ephesians 5:22-23"

    Agreed. It's quite a shame, though not unexpected given the climate in today's church. Good post.
