Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a while, eh? Sorry about abandoning my blog! The past several months have been insane. I've just been a little busy getting a new last name, moving to a new place, things like that... Life is slowly starting to get back to a normal pace so I'm going to get back to blogging and keeping up with my online store.

Well it's true, I am an old married woman now! Married life has been a dream. Nothing compares to getting to wake up next to my absolute best friend in the whole wide world every single morning:)


  1. Congratulations! I really like your blog so I'm glad you're back :) Are you going to post some wedding pictures on here??
    Again, congratulations! :)

  2. Thank you so much, Karen!! We should be getting wedding pictures back this week so I will definitely post some!:)

  3. Love your blog! Congratulations on getting married, that's so exciting! Can't wait to se pictures of the new place :D

  4. Thank you, Hannah!! I'll try to get pictures up of the new place very soon!
